I do not just mean, my plight to sell my music, but I also see very talented people, with really cool stuff, getting next to no attention, but then others with very little talent getting lots, not because they are better or more talented, but because they occasionally flash a boob. Now, I like most men like to see the occasional boob and I think everyone deserves a shot, but when it goes ahead of very talented people, then I feel that is just not right. And now the Facebook Police are censoring people with alternative views.
This attitude of willing people to fail I cannot for the life of me comprehend.
My theory is: they are scared, because they know if a person succeeds it will only show up how tedious and boring their own life really is. It is better in their eyes to ridicule or ignore someones hard work rather than to swallow one's pride and go out into the open and give someone a compliment, because my friends, then you have to let your guard down and then you yourself are open to attack from other narcissistic people, from your own so-called friends, but to get to the root of this problem of how society has become so, you have to think about 3 things.........
I have an opinion of this and remember this is only my views. I am not a trained Psychologist, I am just an observer of life and people.
But what are the answers?.....
Good question, Sigmoid
I have to be honest I fear that people have too much stuff but want more and more stuff, bigger and better than the man next door, therein lies the problem:............THE SPOILED BRAT SYNDROME........but, have we have come too far down this narcissistic road and are most people in society so set in their ways, they cannot or will not change Most will deny they are even this way and brush my views aside in their best narcissistic fashion because they have branded me strange.' Hmmm!!!, in itself a strange remark, but where do we stand and truthfully

I said most people, because luckily there are people, whom I know show nothing but respect for others and those people I will always cherish, but unfortunately for most of the narcissistic amongst the people I know, I think it's time to say Au revoir; I think 2018 should be a year of concentrating on the positive things and people in my life. People come and go in your life.
The people that leave you do so for a reason, so let them go.
If you are reading this and it is affecting or annoying you, or you even think, what a lot of rubbish, then I suggest you read it again and maybe then it will dawn on you which road you are on.
Feel free to leave your comments here below, I welcome your views on this matter.
Feel free to leave your comments here below, I welcome your views on this matter.
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